Lens and Pens

Mindful musings and images from travels around the world and around the block

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Evidence of Climate Change

Talking to my brother last week, he mentioned they'd already had frost in Minnesota. I mentioned that I'd just been to garden centers buying snapdragons to plant outside. Fall gardening in the southwest means replacing the plants done in by heat and dry but still with plenty of blooming season left. So more lantana in hanging baskets, hibiscus in pots for inside and out, rosemary as a shrub, and something else that remains nameless in my mind but has small yellow daisy type blooms. Watering can be approached now with less urgency now that temps are a more reasonable 80's and lows getting down into 60's. AND now that the swamp cooler is fixed, inside the house is much more livable.
Another sign that I'm living in a different climate and culture was making a hospital visit to the victim of a rattlesnake bite - just stepped out on his front porch. Of course, he doesn't live in town ... but still ....


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